
I understand this standard to mean that as a teacher I am to hold myself and my student to a high level of expectations. To ensure that I create intellectually challenging experiences that build upon prior knowledge, increase problem solving skills and use high order thinking to get the most out of the students.

Strengths / Weaknesses:

As a business owner I believe that success comes from being challenged. I feel my experience of the real world, and not being restricted by corporate governance has allowed me to experience and benefit from freedom of thinking. From this I feel I will be able to communicate effectively to students that idea.

A weakness may be the understanding that middle years students are on so many levels of development, and having the patience and skill to develop these challenging experiences without disconnecting from the students.


-       To assist in this weakness I could read more about the development of the young mind and learn more scaffolding techniques to build less able students up. Consulting with other professionals would also help significantly in this area.

-       Derive a set of scaffolding worksheets

-       Have posters in room with levels of thinking

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